#1 - Nomination - deadlines

If you wish to come to study at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen as an exchange student, your home university must officially nominate you by email to: erasmus@service.zcu.cz.

for winter term: May 1st (EU citizens, non-visa) / April 20th (visa applicants)
for summer term:  November 15th (EU citizens, non-visa) / October 20th (visa applicants)


#2 - On-line Registration

You will get the instructions how to do it via email after your nomination. It is an obligatory step to do!

Registration form is available at the university Portal.


#3 - Application Forms and Deadlines

After the nomination, you will be asked to provide us 1 document (Application form) and apply for the accommodation, both by email (ekotouc@rek.zcu.cz ), within the deadlines:

for winter term: May 15th (EU citizens, non-visa) / May 1st (visa applicants)
for summer term:  November 30th (EU citizens, non-visa) / November 1st (visa applicants)

Erasmus applicants are all automatically accepted (except for some exceptions, for ex. at Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art where an intern selection procedure is held, or some Departments may require a Proof of English...).

LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE: we just recommend English B2, however some faculties may require a proof of English level (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - English certificate required, level B2!)


#4 - Learning Agreement (LA) - Faculty coordinators

It is a list of courses you will study at UWB, you prepare it within the online registration, have it signed by your home institution + by UWB faculty coordinator. We are connected to EWP (Erasmus WIthout Paper) and accept OLA as well.

List of Faculty coordinators:

Faculty of Economics (FEK): Kateřina PIROŠÍKOVÁ - kpirosik@fek.zcu.cz  

Faculty of  Mechanical Engineering (FST):  Doc. Ing. Martin MELICHAR, PhD.   - mech@rti.zcu.cz

Ing. Nikola SKŘIVANOVÁ  - skrivann@fst.zcu.cz    

Faculty of Education (FPE): Mgr. Tereza HAVRÁNKOVÁ - truzicko@kan.zcu.cz 

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL): Ing. Jan MICHALÍK, Ph.D. - jmichali@kev.zcu.cz  

Ing. Jana ČEČILOVÁ - cecilova@fel.zcu.cz 

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art (FDU): Mgr. Markéta  KOHOUTKOVÁ - mkohoutk@fdu.zcu.cz

Faculty of Law (FPR): Ivana JURČOVÁ - jurcova@kup.zcu.cz

Faculty of  Arts (FF):  Mgr. Alena TVRDÁ - tvrda@ff.zcu.cz

Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAV): Ing. Jan POSPÍŠIL, Ph.D. - favint@fav.zcu.cz

Faculty of Health Care Studies (FZS): Ing. Alena LOCHMANNOVÁ, Ph.D., MBA - lochmann@fzs.zcu.cz


#5 - Proof of Acceptance

After your LA is signed, you will receive by email the proof of acceptance to the studies + proof of booked place at the university dormitory (after having paid the reservation fee in the amount of 6 000,-CZK - see the section Accommodation).
